The Unofficial Flare-On 11 Challenge Solutions
CTFs are a fun way to test your skills (or lack of) in various challenges, I won't do a CTF 101, you can find more info at CTF Time . Ever since Rapid7 stopped doing the Metasploit CTF, Flare-On is my most favorite CTF, because it is mostly reverse-engineering oriented, a skill that I rarely use and can always improve by learning new tricks. Recently, Flare-On 11 ended and Google posted official solutions . Although I didn't advance much due to lack of free time, I did solve some parts, most interestingly, in a different way than the official solution. It is known that sometimes there is more than one solution for those challenges, reading those write-ups might give you idea for solutions for other challenges, #sharing_is_caring Flare-On 11 Challenge 1: frog This is a python game challenge, this is not the first time the first challenge is written in python. I gave the python challenge from Flare-On 7 to a friend of mine, which I consider as a Python master programmer, he s...